About Posithiva Gruppen and membership

Who are we?

Posithiva Gruppen (PG) is Sweden’s largest organisation for people living with HIV. We are a nationwide non-profit, non-partisan and non-religious membership association.

Our purpose is to bring people together that are living with HIV for education and social contact, to provide support and psychosocial activities and to create forums for the exchange of experiences. We also monitor rights and advocate to raise awareness of HIV in society as well as counteract stigma and prejudice.

Posithiva Gruppen’s work is guided and shaped by people living with HIV.


Background and history

Posithiva Gruppen was established in 1985. The aim was, and still is, to support HIV-positive people in various ways, to create opportunities to meet and socialise and to defend the rights of people living with HIV.

Posithiva Gruppen started as an association for HIV-positive men who have sex with men. Today, anyone living with HIV can become a member and for a long time, much of our work has been aimed at everyone living with HIV, regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation. In addition, there are also separatist activities for gay and bisexual men, women, pregnant people, transgender people, young people (18-30 years) and older people (50+).


Activities for people living with HIV

We currently have several different activities to offer both individual support and meeting places where people living with HIV can meet, exchange experiences and gain knowledge.

We organise theme nights, social activities, discussion groups and courses. We offer free advice and peer support. Some forums are open to all people living with HIV while others are separatist and aimed at a specific target group.

Find out more about upcoming activities under På gång or contact us at info@posithivagruppen.se or 08-720 19 60.

For gay and bisexual men living with HIV

Posithiva Gruppen regularly organises social activities for gay and bisexual men living with HIV. This can include visits to museums, excursions and lectures. Through the Knowledge Network for Gay and Bisexual Men Living with HIV, knowledge is disseminated within the target group, but also to society in general. Among other things, the network organises theme nights and workshops.


For women living with HIV

The Knowledge Network for Women Living with HIV is Posithiva Gruppen’s activity group for women. The purpose of the network is to disseminate knowledge within the target group, but also to society in general. Knowledge is disseminated through theme nights, workshops, lectures, conferences, events, articles, exchange visits and more.


For transgender people living with HIV

Posithiva Gruppen offers social activities for trans people living with HIV. We also carry out activities to raise awareness about trans people and HIV among health care providers, organisations and authorities. Through the Knowledge Network for Trans People Living with HIV, knowledge is disseminated within the target group, but also to society in general. Among other things, the network organises theme nights and workshops.


For young people living with HIV

Through the activity group for young people, Posithiva Gruppen offers social activities for people between the ages of 18 and 30. Through the Knowledge Network for Young People Living with HIV, knowledge is disseminated within the target group, but also to society in general. Among other things, the network organises theme nights and workshops.


For older people living with HIV

Almost half of all people living with HIV in Sweden are over the age of 50 and the number is increasing. As more and more people become older, there is a growing need to address issues related to HIV with respect to ageing. Through the Knowledge Network for Older People Living with HIV, knowledge is disseminated within the target group, but also to society in general. Among other things, the network organises theme nights and workshops. Posithiva Gruppen also organises social activities for HIV-positive people aged 50 and over.


For pregnant people

3P – Positive Pregnancy Peers is a project for pregnant people living with HIV. The project aims to empower pregnant people living with HIV across Sweden through peer support. All people living with HIV who are or plan to become pregnant, or who have recently given birth, are welcome to come to 3P for support.

3P - Positive Pregnancy Peers



All people living with HIV are entitled to membership. As a member, you can influence the association’s activities and direction. You have the right to vote, attend, speak and make proposals at the annual meeting. Anyone, regardless of HIV status, can become a supporting member. As a member, you support the work of Posithiva Gruppen.

Membership to Posithiva Gruppen costs 50 Swedish kronor (SEK) per year. 

Become a member


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